Olympic Lifting
Exceeding Expectations
Olympic lifting utilizes the entire body – The two types of Olympic lifts, the snatch, and the clean and jerk involve a full range of motions aimed at lifting the maximum weight at a rapid speed using a barbell. Why choose Olympic lifting as a form of your workouts?
Olympic lifting gives you a full-body workout in (ideally) a 30-minute session, particularly hitting the arms, back, and shoulders. What’s more, doing a snatch and/or a clean and jerk requires a seriously strong core as much as it improves it.
Olympic lifting also helps increase lean body mass – Unlike bodybuilding in which muscles are forced to grow, Olympic lifting instead focuses on improving coordination and speed, gradually building strength and creating lean muscle. It also helps reduce body fat.
Olympic lifting improves endurance – Incorporating a snatch or a clean and jerk (or both) sessions in your routine improves your high-intensity exercise endurance. In time, you would be able to recover faster and do more challenging exercises and more intense sessions.